Saturday, May 31, 2008

book nook no more!

The closest I came today to throwing anything out was taking back my library books. You know when you get a BILL from the library, it's time.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Nothing fancy

But, I did throw away a bag full of trash, found in the living room. Two points (mental, though they may be) for half of it being the packaging from underclothes bought this week, washed yesterday. That trash isn't going to haunt me for months! Yippee!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's warm and sunny

What should I do? Oh, yeah! Clean out the garage and get rid of the winter's build up of "throw it in there and run away." heh
I don't feel like I made a big dent in there today. I know it sounds strange, but I had over thirty newspapers *still in their bags* sitting around. See, the major paper in the area has been delivering to us, without a subscription. I should just call them and tell them to quit, but then I'll be on THE LIST. They'll call incessently, I promise. I'd rather stay off the radar. (Sorry for that rant.) We bring the paper in every day (and throw it in a pile in the garage), so that we don't look abandoned. In the meantime, I get free coupons.

So... I stacked up thirty newspapers, saving the coupons. I'm about halfway through the coupons, too.

I also threw away various trash things found while I was cleaning, like old fast food cups. I'll put the total count at 35.

I fear the garage will be the focus for some time to come. Poor you.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Someone will smell pretty

... but it won't be me.


Well, I'll smell pretty, but not from the gift basket that I put in Goodwill today. Basket, sponge, and two molded soaps. There was a bottle of perfume, but I threw it away. It was already thick with age.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Monday, by accident

Today's trash holds yesterday's item: a little red plastic chair that Dancing Queen broke over the weekend.
Yesterday, we picked up a dance costume and a kitten! I'm more aware of what's coming in the house now, and whether or not I want it to stay.
Today's items should be easy, because I'm sorting through kids clothes. I'm sure there will be some things going out.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A couple of notes

The coloring books were taken to the homeschool end-of-year sale, and put on the free pile. But, I found another pile just yesterday. *sigh* Maybe they will come in handy during these doctor visits.

By my count, the last day I posted an item on the blog was April 15th. I'm going to add 22 days to the end of my challenge.

Back in the game

Dear Dorothy is not out of the woods yet, but life must go on. I've been trying to mentally get back in the game for a while, and yesterday, I had a small success.

I have looked at my bookshelves previously, trying to weed out books I don't need or want anymore. It is HARD! I've never been able to part with any of them.

So, I was looking at them, and happened to spot a couple I knew I wouldn't need. I grabbed those, spotted some more than I don't want to keep. The bonus was that we had a friend visiting, and I gave her two books, too! YAY!

Once the ball got rolling, it was easy.

Five books to donate, and two books gifted.